Studies indicate that preschoolers do better if their parents or carers are actively involved with their preschool.

Your insights into your child are invaluable in helping the preschool team tailor their care and activities to suit your child’s individual needs. Getting to know the routines, activities, staff and other children at your child’s preschool helps you to support your child’s development and learning at home and if you feel at home at preschool, it’s more likely your child will too.

We enable parental involvement by inviting you to “Stay and Play” with your child. These sessions allow:

  • You to see your child interacting in an environment and with children who may be unfamiliar to you.
  • You to share any special skills or experiences you may have.
  • All the children to benefit from learning from a diverse group of parents and carers.
  • An increased adult child ratio.
  • Everyone to share in the fun.
Parents Stay and Play Sessions image